Complete an existing booking manually
Update bookings as complete once the service is provided. This endpoint helps track completed appointments and maintain accurate booking records.
This endpoint needs an app token for authentication:
Method | PUT |
Token Type | App Token |
Endpoint | v1/bookings/:uuid/complete |
Headers | Accept: application/json |
Authorization: Bearer <base64_encoded_token> |
Example Request:
The following code shows how to send a request to complete a booking manually:
- NodeJS
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Slotify\Slotify;
$slotify = new Slotify('your_api_key');
$response = $slotify->completeBooking("fake-booking-uuid-1234");
if ($response->isSuccess()) {
echo "Booking marked as complete successfully!";
} else {
echo "Failed to mark booking as complete: " . $response->getError();
const Slotify = require('slotify-sdk');
const slotify = new Slotify({ apiKey: 'your_api_key' });
.then(response => {
console.log("Booking marked as complete successfully:", response);
.catch(error => {
console.error("Failed to mark booking as complete:", error);
Example Response:
The following response will be provided by the Slotify server when this endpoint is called:
- 204 No Content