Create a Scheduler

The following endpoint will help you create a scheduler in Slotify using the scheduler create endpoint:


This endpoint needs an app token for authentication: 

HeadersAccept: application/json 
Authorization: Bearer <base64_encoded_token> 
Token typeApp

Query Parameters

This endpoint supports query parameters:

includeapp,fields,services,resources,workflow,rulesshow app,fields,services,resources,workflow,rules
searchname, mode, graphsearch by name, mode or graph

Request Body:

This endpoint requires following the parameters to be sent via post body:

Param NameRequiredDescription
colortruehexcode for color
durationtrueduration unit i.e. minutes or hours
min_noticetrueunit in either hours or days
buffer_timetrueduration unit i.e. minutes or hours
slot_capacitytrueallowed number of bookings per time slot
perday_capacityfalsetotal number of bookings per day
booking_windowtrueduration unit in either days, weeks or months
graphtruebooking graph i.e. instant, instant_group, confirm_decline
min_cancellationtrueduration unit i.e. minutes or hours or days
nametruename of the scheduler
modetruealgorithm that is used to search for resource availability i.e. round_robin, prioritized, mutual
rulesfalseScheduler constraints

Read more here on scheduler constraints.

Example Request:

The following code shows how to send request to create a scheduler in the Slotify API: 

  • PHP
  • BASH
  • JSON
$apiEndpoint = '';
$apiToken = base64_encode('YOUR_APP_TOKEN');

$data = array(
    "graph" => "instant",
    "color" => "#84cc16", // Updated
    "slot_capacity" => 5, // Updated
    "mode" => "round_robin",
    "time_format" => "24hr",
    "min_notice" => "1 days", // Updated
    "duration" => "30 minutes",
    "buffer_time" => "0 minutes",
    "booking_window" => "4 weeks", // Updated
    "min_cancellation" => "1 days", // Updated
    "name" => "Instant Scheduler", // Updated
    "slug" => "instant", // New
    "unit_price" => 0, // New
    "perday_capacity" => 500, // New
    "timezone" => "America/Toronto", // New
    "rules" => array( // New
            "rule" => "hours",
            "type" => "allowed",
            "times" => array(
                    "start" => "09:00",
                    "end" => "17:00"
    "resources" => array( // New
    "fields" => array( // New
            "options" => array(),
            "hidden" => false,
            "is_default" => true,
            "is_required" => false,
            "slug" => "first_name",
            "title" => "First Name",
            "placeholder" => "First Name",
            "type" => "text"
            "options" => array(),
            "hidden" => false,
            "is_default" => true,
            "is_required" => false,
            "slug" => "last_name",
            "title" => "Last Name",
            "placeholder" => "Last Name",
            "type" => "text"
            "options" => array(),
            "hidden" => false,
            "is_default" => true,
            "is_required" => false,
            "slug" => "email",
            "title" => "Email Address",
            "placeholder" => "Email",
            "type" => "text"
    "event" => array( // New
        "what" => "Meeting with John Doe",
        "location" => array(
            "type" => "google_meet"
        "description" => "Let's meet online and discuss details",
        "start_at" => "2024-09-03"

$ch = curl_init($apiEndpoint);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
    'Authorization: Bearer ' . $apiToken,
    'Content-Type: application/json'
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($data));

$response = curl_exec($ch);

    echo 'Error: ' . curl_error($ch);


echo $response;
curl -X POST \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer " \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
        "graph": "instant",
        "color": "#84cc16",
        "slot_capacity": 5,
        "mode": "round_robin",
        "min_notice": "1 days",
        "duration": "30 minutes",
        "buffer_time": "0 minutes",
        "booking_window": "4 weeks",
        "min_cancellation": "1 days",
        "name": "Instant Scheduler",
        "slug": "instant",
        "unit_price": 0,
        "perday_capacity": 500,
        "timezone": "America/Toronto",
        "rules": [
                "rule": "hours",
                "type": "allowed",
                "times": [
                        "start": "09:00",
                        "end": "17:00"
        "resources": [
        "fields": [
                "options": {},
                "hidden": false,
                "is_default": true,
                "is_required": false,
                "slug": "first_name",
                "title": "First Name",
                "placeholder": "First Name",
                "type": "text"
                "options": {},
                "hidden": false,
                "is_default": true,
                "is_required": false,
                "slug": "last_name",
                "title": "Last Name",
                "placeholder": "Last Name",
                "type": "text"
                "options": {},
                "hidden": false,
                "is_default": true,
                "is_required": false,
                "slug": "email",
                "title": "Email Address",
                "placeholder": "Email",
                "type": "text"
        "event": {
            "what": "Meeting with John Doe",
            "location": {
                "type": "google_meet"
            "description": "Let\'s meet online and discuss details",
            "start_at": "2024-09-03"
    }' \
    "color": "#84cc16",
    "name": "Instant Scheduler",
    "slug": "instant",
    "graph": "instant",
    "unit_price": 0,
    "slot_capacity": 5,
    "perday_capacity": 500,
    "duration": "30 minutes",
    "booking_window": "4 weeks",
    "min_notice": "1 days",
    "min_cancellation": "1 days",
    "timezone": "America/Toronto",
    "buffer_time": "0 minutes",
    "rules": [
            "rule": "hours",
            "type": "allowed",
            "times": [
                    "start": "09:00",
                    "end": "17:00"
    "mode": "round_robin",
    "resources": [
    "fields": [
            "options": {},
            "hidden": false,
            "is_default": true,
            "is_required": false,
            "slug": "first_name",
            "title": "First Name",
            "placeholder": "First Name",
            "type": "text"
            "options": {},
            "hidden": false,
            "is_default": true,
            "is_required": false,
            "slug": "last_name",
            "title": "Last Name",
            "placeholder": "Last Name",
            "type": "text"
            "options": {},
            "hidden": false,
            "is_default": true,
            "is_required": false,
            "slug": "email",
            "title": "Email Address",
            "placeholder": "Email",
            "type": "text"
    "event": {
        "what": "Meeting with John Doe",
        "location": {
            "type": "google_meet"
        "description": "Let's meet online and discuss details",
        "start_at": "2024-09-03"

Example Response:

The following response will be provided by the Slotify server when this endpoint is called:

  • 201 Created
  • 400 Bad Request
    "success": true,
    "data": {
            "slug": "instant",
            "mode": "round_robin",
            "uuid": "28f0b45d-d14f-438f-b59a-833a57a31147",
            "name": "Instant Scheduler",
            "color": "#84cc16",
            "event": {
                "what": "Meeting with John Doe",
                "location": {
                    "type": "google_meet"
                "start_at": "2024-09-03",
                "description": "Let's meet online and discuss details"
            "graph": "instant",
            "duration": "30 minutes",
            "timezone": "America/Toronto",
            "unit_price": 0,
            "min_notice": "1 days",
            "created_at": "2024-09-03T15:51:25+00:00",
            "updated_at": "2024-09-03T15:51:25+00:00",
            "buffer_time": "0 minutes",
            "time_format": null,
            "service_flow": "auto",
            "slot_capacity": 5,
            "booking_window": "4 weeks",
            "perday_capacity": 500,
            "min_cancellation": "1 days",
            "resources": [
                    "uuid": "1d9ca4d0-af0e-41a5-8188-c1bba0183505",
                    "name": "John Doe",
                    "role": "member",
                    "email": "",
                    "avatar": null,
                    "priority": null,
                    "timezone": "America/Toronto",
                    "created_at": null,
                    "updated_at": null
    "success": false,
    "errors": {
        "color": "This field is required",
        "duration": "Invalid duration",
        "min_notice": "Invalid min notice format",
        "buffer_time": "Invalid buffer time format",
        "slot_capacity": "This field is required",
        "booking_window": "Invalid booking window format",
        "graph": "This field is required",
        "slug": "This field is required",
        "min_cancellation": "Invalid format provided for min cancellation period",
        "name": "This field is required",
        "mode": "This field is required",
        "event": {
            "what": "This field is required",
            "start_at": "This field is required",
            "description": "This field is required",
            "location": {
                "type": "This field is required"